Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A CPE Reflection

Heart is right to cry

Even when the smallest drop of light,
Of love,
Is taken away.

Perhaps you may kick, moan, scream
In a dignified

But you are so right
To do so in any fashion

Until God returns



God, our hearts cry out to you. We are faced with the depths of human suffering in this broken world, and we yearn for your presence. What can we do but kick, moan, and scream? We are witness to situations in which You seem not to be present. We are immersed in sadness. Hopelessness and despair wash over us. Our hearts cry out to you.

But you do not sit far away, watching dispassionately as we live our lives here on earth. You are radically and passionately with us in that dignified silence. Like the psalms of old, we call You and You are there. With each painful breath, within every tear, under all of the hushed and painful words spoken in an intimate corner of a waiting room, we are constantly reminded that we are not alone.

Even so, such a reminder is elusive sometimes. Amidst the reality of our complex world, we are often left with little to comfort us. Yet, our hearts continue to cry out – constantly, consistently. And our cries are so right. For we know that, at the core of our pain, deep down past the sense of our logic, we need not wait until You return.

For You, God, have always been here, with us.


At 12:05 AM , Blogger Pastor Lori said...

j- i wish you were close enough to preach for me once in awhile. that would ROCK. sigh. next summer, i hope!

At 8:51 PM , Blogger Jill said...

One of my pastors (I have so many!) told me of another pastor who, at a funeral, began to weep and had not brought along a handkerchief or tissue. So lifted the corner of his stole to dry his face. "What an expression of what it means to be a pastor," she said. Hafiz reminded me of that.


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